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How can I adjust the serial number of my orders?

By default, your orders will start at number 1. Starting with a different number could prove useful. It could make your financial administration more manageable, for example. Below you will find a detailed explanation about how you can easily change the order number.

1. Changing the order serial number

Many order/invoice numbers start with the year, followed by the actual order/invoice number. For example: 20160001

  1. You can change this number by clicking on Orders in the admin panel.
  2. At the top of the screen, you will find the order sequence button; click on it.
  3. On the following screen, you can change the order serial number.
  4. Click on the Save button once you’re satisfied with the changes to your order number

The order sequence number has been changed successfully. Using this method you can change the order serial number every year so that it always starts with the year in which you receive the order. This will make your financial administration a lot easier!


If an order was accidentally assigned the wrong number (at the start of a new year, for example), you can change this specific order manually.